There is the care.nvim plugin. This is the main module of the whole completion architecture. Then there are also sources, which is where the core gets it's completions from.
This is the core of the autocompletion. From here the sources are used to get completions which are then displayed in the Completion Menu
Completion Menu
The completion menu displays the current completions. Features that it should have:
- Completely customizable display for every entry (with text-highlight chunks like extmark-api)
- Customizable scrollbar
- Customizable window properties
- Border
- Max height
- Docview
- Customizable
- Try to get nicely concealed like in core or noice.nvim
- Allow to send to e.g. quickfix or copy
Offset always describes the distance between e.g. the start of an entry from the beginning of the line.
- get the context (line before, cursor position etc)
- Check if context changed
- Check if character was a trigger character or completion was triggered manually
- Depending on ^^ decide what to do for every source:
- Get new completions
- get completions from source based on context
- sort completions
- Use characters found with
to fuzzy match and sort completions
- Use characters found with
- Get new completions
- Collect all the completions
- Open menu to display thing
- if there is a selected one:
- highlight selected one
- show preview of selected completion
- show docs
- if there is a selected one:
When completing (e.g. <cr>
- check if menu is open
- check if anything is selected (or autoselect option)
- complete
- insert text
- additional text edits (check core functions)
- snippet expansion (core or luasnip)
- close menu
These days nvim-cmp is the most popular completion-engine for neovim. There are some mayor issues me and also other people in the community have with cmp.
Bad code/Documentation
The code of nvim-cmp is often quite unreadable. Sometimes this might be due to optimizations and surely some of it has just grown historically. Also there are nearly no docs on how the whole completion engine works. The api for new sources is quite unclear and far from optimal. While this doesn't really matter to a user it definitely does to a potential contributor and developers of sources.
Legacy code/features
There are a lot of things which grew just historically. The author of nvim-cmp is (understandable to a certain degree) afraid of making breaking changes and fixing them or just doesn't think changes are necessary.
Configuration of item display
One such example is the configuration of how items are displayed in the menu.
This works with a function formatting
which takes a completion item and is
allowed to return an item where the three fields menu
, kind
and abbr
three more fields for highlights for those can be set. So apart from the
background and border color of the menu you're limited to have three different
fields and colors in your menu E.g. source name, kind name, kind icon and text
isn't possible. It's also not possible to have round or half blocks around icons
because you don't have enough colors. An example of an issue can be found
here. You also can't add
padding wherever you want and you can't align the fields as you want.
Legacy code
There is e.g. the whole "native menu" thing laying around in the codebase. Nowadays this isn't really needed anymore. Everything of it can be accomplished with the "custom menu". There is a lot of duplicate code because of that.
Mapping system
The mapping system is quite confusing. It's a table in the config with keys to
be mapped as keys and a call to cmp.mapping()
with a callback to the actual
functionality as value. Users should able to just use normal mappings or
functions with vim.keymap.set
Custom solutions for builtin functionality
An example for this is the Mapping system. Another example
would be the cmp.event.on
which could just be done with User autocmds.
Why not contribute?
The maintainer is in general quite conservative. There were pull-requests for many features open which were liked by the community (seen by reactions and comments). But they were abandoned because the maintainer saw no reason to add it. There was for example a pull-request to fix the issue with the limited fields in the configuration here. This pull request was closed because No specific use cases have emerged at this stage. according to the author. Even though there was clearly a problem described and what the pr would allow (this pr allowed custom fields which still isn't nice but fixed the obvious problems). There were also some features (in particular the custom scrollbars) removed because there were some issues with it which apparently weren't worth fixing for the feature. So it's not really motivating to try to contribute new things. It's also quite hard because of the messy code with lots of legacy code.
Use nvim-cmp sources
We should be able to use nvim-cmp sources. This should be possible by adding a
where we can redirect calls to cmp.register_source
happens in most sources auto- matically) to our own plugin. We don't want to
adapt to cmp's apis for this though. We won't extend our own formats e.g. for
entries or sources to match cmps. Even when it's complicated we will just
convert between the different formats.
Native things
Use as many native things as possible. This includes setting mappings with
or add events as user autocmd events.
Different views
Nvim-cmp has different views. At the moment wild-menu, native menu and custom menu. There is a lot of code duplication because of this. We'd like to avoid having multiple views. The native one isn't needed anyway (it likely is just in cmp for historical reasons). In the future we'd like to allow injecting custom views via config where you just get the entries and do things with them yourself. This is mostly to avoid code duplication in core.
Commandline completion
At the moment no command line completion is planned. This is because the author thinks it's not really needed because builtin completion is already quite good and there is little value added by adding commandline completion. Also it doesn't really make sense in my opinion to combine commandline completion and autocompletion for buffer contents in the same plugin. Especially if you try to share things in between like nvim-cmp does.
Types used
The types should minimally be the lsp things (for the context passed to source, for response and for entries). Everything additionally is mostly optional.