Full Default Config
---@type care.config
config.defaults = {
ui = {
menu = {
max_height = vim.o.pumheight ~= 0 and vim.o.pumheight or 10,
border = "rounded",
position = "auto",
format_entry = function(entry, data)
return require("care.presets").Default(entry, data)
scrollbar = { enabled = true, character = "┃", offset = 0 },
alignments = {},
docs_view = {
max_height = 8,
max_width = 80,
border = "rounded",
scrollbar = { enabled = true, character = "┃", offset = 0 },
position = "auto",
advanced_styling = false,
type_icons = {
Class = "",
Color = "",
Constant = "",
Constructor = "",
Enum = "",
EnumMember = "",
Event = "",
Field = "",
File = "",
Folder = "",
Function = "",
Interface = "",
Keyword = "",
Method = "",
Module = "",
Namespace = "",
Operator = "",
Property = "",
Reference = "",
Snippet = "",
Struct = "",
Text = "",
TypeParameter = "",
Unit = "",
Value = "",
Variable = "",
ghost_text = {
enabled = true,
position = "overlay",
snippet_expansion = function(snippet_body)
selection_behavior = "select",
confirm_behavior = "insert",
keyword_pattern = [[\%(-\?\d\+\%(\.\d\+\)\?\|\h\w*\%(-\w*\)*\)]],
sources = {},
preselect = true,
sorting_direction = "top-down",
completion_events = { "TextChangedI" },
enabled = function()
local enabled = true
if vim.api.nvim_get_option_value("buftype", { buf = 0 }) == "prompt" then
enabled = false
return enabled
max_view_entries = 200,
debug = false,
The config of care is used to configure the UI and care itself.
To configure care you call the setup function of the config module with the options you want to override. Also see configuration recipes.
The configuration consists of two main parts. The UI Configuration and the configuration of the completion behaviors of care.
Snippet Expansion
config.snippet_expansion?(body: string): nil
With this field a function for expanding snippets is defined. By default this is the
builtin vim.snippet.expand()
. You can also use a plugin like luasnip for this:
snippet_expansion = function(body)
config.enabled?(): boolean
This function can be used to disable care in certain contexts. By default this disables care in prompts.
config.ui? care.config.ui
The UI Configuration is used to configure the whole UI of care. One of the main goals of this is to be as extensible as possible. This is especially important for the completion entries. Read more about that under Configuration of item display.
Selection Behavior
config.selection_behavior? "select"|"insert"
With the selection behavior the user can determine what happens when selecting
an entry. This can either be "select"
or "insert"
. Selecting will just
select the entry and do nothing else. Insert will actually insert the text of
the entry (this is not necessarily the whole text).
Confirm Behavior
config.confirm_behavior? "insert"|"replace"
This field controls the behavior when confirming an entry.
config.sources? table<string, care.config.source>
This field is used to configure the sources for care.nvim. Use a table where the fields is the source name and the value is the configuration
sources = {
nvim_lsp = {
enabled = function()
Completion Events
config.completion_events? string[]
The completion_events
table is used to set events for autocompletion. By default
it just contains "TextChangedI"
. You can set it to an empty table ({}
) to
disable autocompletion.
Keyword Pattern
config.keyword_pattern? string
The keyword pattern is used to determine keywords. These are used to determine what to use for filtering and what to remove if insert text is used. It should essentially just describe the entries of a source.
config.preselect? boolean
Whether items should be preselected or not. Which items are preselected is determined by the source.
Sorting Direction
config.sorting_direction? "top-down"|"away-from-cursor"
How to sort the entries in the completion menu. This can either be top to bottom or so the best match is always next to the cursor.
config.debug? boolean
Whether debugging should be enabled or not. This will write a log to a care.log
in the current directory.
Max View Entries
config.max_view_entries? integer
The max entries to display in the menu. Note that this just affects the entries displayed at a time. So there are still more entries on which you can filter by continue typing. This limit just exists for performance reasons because there are some sources which return up to multiple thousand entries through which a user never will scroll. The default value is 200 which will open the menu instantly in most cases so there isn't much need for a lower value. Values of up to about 1000 should also not cause performance issue.
Ui Configuration
This is used to configure the whole UI of care.
Configuration of the completion menu of care.nvim
Docs View
This configuration allows you to configure the documentation view. It consists of some basic window properties like the border and the maximum height of the window. It also has a field to define the character used for the scrollbar.
Type Icons
config.ui.type_icons? care.config.ui.type_icons|string
This is a table which defines the different icons.
Ghost Text
config.ui.ghost_text? care.config.ui.ghost_text
Configuration of ghost text.
With this field the user can control how ghost text is displayed.
config.ui.ghost_text.enabled? boolean
You can use the enabled
field to determine whether the ghost text should be
enabled or not.
config.ui.ghost_text.position? "inline"|"overlay"
The position
can either be "inline"
or "overlay"
. Inline
will add the text inline right where the cursor is. With the overlay position
the text will overlap with existing text after the cursor.
This configuration should allow you to completely adapt the completion menu to your likings.
It includes some basic window properties like the border and the maximum height
of the window. It also has a field to define the character used for the
scrollbar. Set scrollbar
to nil
value to disable the scrollbar.
Format Entry care.entry, data: care.format_data): { [1]: string, [2]: string }[][]
See care.entry
Another field is format_entry
. This is a function which recieves an entry of
the completion menu and determines how it's formatted. For that a table with
text-highlight chunks like :h nvim_buf_set_extmarks()
is used. You can create
sections which are represented by tables and can have a different alignment
each. This is specified with another field which takes a table with the
alignment of each section.
For example you want to have the label of an entry in a red highlight and an
icon in a entry-kind specific color left aligned first and then the source of
the entry right aligned in blue. You could do that like this:
format_entry = function(entry)
return {
-- The first section with the two chunks for the label and the icon
{ { entry.label .. " ", "MyRedHlGroup" }, { entry.kind, "HighlightKind" .. entry.kind } }
-- The second section for the source
{ { entry.source, "MyBlueHlGroup" } }
alignment = { "left", "right" }
Notice that there are multiple differences between having one table containing
the chunks for the label and kind and having them separately. The latter would
require another entry in the alignment
table. It would also change the style
of the menu because the left sides of the icons would be aligned at the same
column and not be next to the labels. In the example there also was some spacing
added in between the two.
Max Height integer
Maximum height of the menu
Border string|string[]|string[][]
The border of the completion menu
Scrollbar care.config.scrollbar
Configuration of the scrollbar
Position "auto"|"below"|"above"
If the menu should be displayed on above, below or automatically
Alignments ("left"|"center"|"right")[]
How the sections in the menu should be aligned
Source configuration
Configuration for the sources of care.nvim
config.source.enabled? boolean|fun():boolean
Whether the source is enabled (default true)
config.source.filter?(entry: care.entry): boolean
See care.entry
Filter function for entries by the source
Max Entries
config.source.max_entries? integer
The maximum amount? of entries which can be displayed by this source
config.source.priority? integer
The priority of this source. Is more important than matching score
Configuration of the completion menu of care.nvim
Max Height integer
Maximum height of the documentation view
Max Width integer
Maximum width of the documentation view
Border string|string[]|string[][]
The border of the documentation view
Scrollbar care.config.scrollbar
Configuration of the scrollbar
Position "auto"|"left"|"right"
Position of docs view. Auto will prefer right if there is enough space
Advanced Styling boolean
Use advanced styling for the documentation. This will use treesitter to make the menu prettier which comes with quite a big performance cost though.
Additional data passed to format function to allow more advanced formatting
format_data.index integer
Index of the entry in the completion menu
format_data.deprecated boolean
Whether the item is marked as deprecated by the source or not
Source Name
format_data.source_name string
The name of the source from which the entry was completed
Source Display Name
format_data.source_display_name string
The display name of the source from which the entry was completed which is more detailed than the normal name
config.scrollbar.character? string
The character used for drawing the scrollbar
config.scrollbar.enabled? boolean
Whether the scrollbar is enabled or not
config.scrollbar.offset? integer
Offset of the scrollbar. 0 is at the border of the window