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For basic mappings the user should use the provided <Plug> mappings.

  • <Plug>(CareConfirm): Confirm the currently selected entry
  • <Plug>(CareSelectNext): Select the next entry in the menu
  • <Plug>(CareSelectPrev): Select the previous entry in the menu
  • <Plug>(CareClose): Close the completion menu

These mappings will automatically fallback to the default actions of the keys mapped if the menu isn't open. That means that if <CR> is mapped to confirm like this

vim.keymap.set("i", "<cr>", "<Plug>(CareConfirm)")

pressing <CR> will still go to a new line when the completion menu isn't open.

To create more advanced mappings the api should be used. For fallback to the unmapped action of a key nvim_feedkeys can be used. An example for this would be the following:

vim.keymap.set("i", "<c-f>", function()
if require("care").api.doc_is_open() then
vim.api.nvim_feedkeys(vim.keycode("<c-f>"), "n", false)


When designing the mapping system it was important that as much native functionality as possible is used. Therefore it was really important that the mappings could be set by the user with vim.keymap.set without any additional abstractions.

To have the best possible user experience <Plug> mappings are used for some simple mappings while still allowing to create more complex mappings which do multiple things with one key.