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Entries are the basic items in the completion menu. Arguably the most important field is the completion item for which the lsp type is used.



New lsp.CompletionItem, source: care.internal_source, context: care.context): care.entry

See care.entry, care.context, care.internal_source

The new function is the constructor for a new completion entry.

Get Insert Text

entry:get_insert_text(): string

This function is used to get the text that will be inserted for the entry. This is important for the ghost text.

Get Insert Word

entry:get_insert_word(): string

This function is used to get part of the text that will be inserted for the entry. It just uses a pattern to match the insert text and get the beginning of it which matches a vim word. This is often e.g. the method name but without the parentheses and parameter names. That function is used for the insert selection behavior.

Get Offset

entry:get_offset(): integer

Essentially where entry insertion should happen (column, 0-based)

Get Insert Range

entry:get_insert_range(): lsp.Range

Gets the range for inserting the entry (insert of InsertReplaceEdit)

Get Replace Range

entry:get_replace_range(): lsp.Range

Gets the range for inserting the entry (insert of InsertReplaceEdit)

Get Default Range

entry:_get_default_range(): lsp.Range

Gets the default range for entry (if there is no textEdit)

Get Documentation


Gets the documentation for an entry. This includes adding the detail.


Completion Item

entry.completion_item lsp.CompletionItem


entry.source care.internal_source

See care.internal_source

This is the source from which the entry came. This is important for using the right keyword pattern and getting the right offset.


entry.context care.context

See care.context

This is the context in which the entry was completed. This is important to now what context text- edits of the entry target.


entry.matches integer[]

Position of matches which were found during filtering. This is just used to highlight them in the completion menu with @care.match.


entry.score number

This is the score obtained from filtering. It is used to sort which happens in the care.matcher module.