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This module is for the core of care. Here everything comes together with the most important things being the menu being opened and the completion triggered.



New care.core

See care.core

Use this function to create a new instance. It takes no arguments and should be called only once when the plugin is first set up.


core:complete(reason: care.completionReason?, source_filter?: fun(name: string): boolean): nil

This function starts the completion. It goes through all the sources, triggers them (completion and sorting) and opens the menu with the result. You can also add an optional filter to only complete certain sources.

On Change

core:on_change(): nil

This function is invoked on every text change (by default, see completion_events in config). It updates the context field and triggers completion if the context changed.


core:block(): fun(): nil

The block method can be used to temporarily disable care. It returns a function which is used to unblock it again. This is used for the insert selection behavior where you don't want to get new completions when changing the text.


core:setup(): nil

The setup function is used to setup care so it will actually provide autocompletion when typing by setting up an autocommand with the completion_events from the configuration.


core:filter(): nil

Filter currently visible menu. This is used when moving the cursor.



core.context care.context

See care.context

This is used to store the current context. There is always a new one created in on_change and compared to see if it changed.


In this field a menu instance which is used in core is stored.


core.blocked boolean

This field is used by the block() method. It just completely disables autocompletion when set to true.

Last Opened At

core.last_opened_at integer

This variable is used to determine where a new completion window was opened for the last time. This is used to determine when to reopen the completion window.


core.completing boolean

Boolean to indicate if care is currently completing. This is used to avoid compmleting and sorting on the same keystroke.