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This is the main class of the care completion menu. The menu is used to display completion entries and also contains the logic for selecting and inserting the completions.




Creates a new instance of the completion menu.


menu:draw(): nil

Draws the menu. This includes formatting the entries with the function from the config and setting the virtual text used to display the labels. It also adds the highlights for the selected entry and for the matched chars.

Is Open

menu:is_open(): boolean

This is a function which can be used to determine whether the completion menu is open or not. This is especially useful for mappings which have a fallback action when the menu isn't visible.

Select Next

menu:select_next(count: integer): nil

This function can be used to select the next entry. It accepts a count to skip over some entries. It automatically wraps at the bottom and jumps up again.

Select Prev

menu:select_prev(count: integer): nil

This function is used to select the previous entry analogous to Select next


menu:open(entries: care.entry[], offset: integer): nil

See care.entry

The open function is used to open the completion menu with a specified set of entries. This includes opening the window and displaying the text.


menu:close(): nil

This function closes the menu and resets some internal things.

Get Active Entry

menu:get_active_entry(): care.entry?

See care.entry

With this function you can get the currently selected entry. This can be used for the docs view or some other api functions. It is also used when the selection is confirmed.


menu:confirm(): nil

This is the function to trigger the completion with a selected entry. It gets the selected entry closes the menu and completes.


menu:complete(entry: care.entry): nil

See care.entry

This function completes with a given entry. That means it removes text used for filtering (if necessary), expands snippet with the configured function, applies text edits and lsp commands.

Readjust Win

menu:readjust_win(offset: integer): nil

This function readjusts the size of the completion window without reopening it.

Docs Visible

menu:docs_visible(): boolean

Checks whether docs are visible or not

Scroll Docs

menu:scroll_docs(delta: integer): nil

Scroll up or down in the docs window by delta lines.


menu:select(direction?: integer): nil

This method is used for selection. It's called in select_prev and select_next and is responsible for redrawing the menu, opening documentation and inserting the selected entry if required. Direction can either be 1 (down) or -1 (up)

Draw Docs

menu:draw_docs(entry: care.entry?): nil

See care.entry

Opens the documentation window for a selected entry


menu.menu_window care.window

See care.window

Wrapper for utilities for the window of the menu

Docs Window

menu.docs_window care.window

See care.window

Wrapper for utilities for the window of the docs

Ghost Text

menu.ghost_text care.ghost_text

The ghost text instance used to draw the ghost text.


menu.entries care.entry[]

See care.entry

This field is used to store all the entries of the completion menu.


menu.ns integer

The namespace is used to draw the extmarks and add the additional highlights.


menu.config care.config

In this field the user config is stored for easier access.


menu.buf integer

This is the buffer used for the menu. It's just created once when initially creating a new instance.


menu.index integer

The index is used to determine the selected entry. It is used to get this entry when confirming the completion. The function to select the next and previous entries simply change this index.

Scrollbar Buf

menu.scrollbar_buf integer

This field is used to store the buffer for drawing the scrollbar.


menu.reversed boolean

Indicates if the menu is reversed (window above cursor and sorting_direction away from cursor)