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The sources are used to get get completions for care.nvim.



Is Available

source:is_available?(): boolean

Each source can have a function to show whether it's available or not. If your source should for example be enabled for a certain filetype you can just do it like this:

function my_source.is_available()
return == "lua"

This function will be called quite often so developers should try to keep it more or less performant. This won't be an issue in the vast majority of cases though.

Resolve Item

source:resolve_item?(item: lsp.CompletionItem, callback: fun(item: lsp.CompletionItem)): nil

This is a function used to get additional details for completion items. This is especially important for the lsp source which needs to send the completionItem/resolve request. Resolving completion items is used for performance reasons so e.g. the documentation for an item doesn't always have to be sent.

Get Trigger Characters

source.get_trigger_characters?(): string[]

This function should return characters which trigger completion for the source. If one of those characters is types the completion will be retriggered. Otherwise newly entered characters are used for sorting and filtering. An example for this could be ., \\ and / when working with paths.

function my_source.get_trigger_characters()
return { ".", "\\", "/" }

Get Keyword Pattern

source:get_keyword_pattern?(): string

The get_keyword_pattern function has higher priority and will overwrite the string if provided.


source.complete(completion_context: care.completion_context, callback: fun(items: lsp.CompletionItem[], is_incomplete?: boolean)): nil

This is arguably the most important function of each source. This function returns completions. The function takes in a completion context and should return a list of entries.


source:execute?(entry: care.entry): nil

See care.entry


Name string

The name field is used for configuring the source. It should just contain characters, _, and -.

Display Name

source.display_name? string

The display_name of a field can be any string. This name is displayed in sources overview. It falls back to name.

Keyword Pattern

source.keyword_pattern? string

The keyword pattern is used to overwrite the keyword pattern from the config per source. It should basically represent the format of entries the source will provide as regex.